Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Problem With Truckers

Ok, here's my new pet peeve; truckers who wait till the last moment to pull out in front of you then take 3 minutes to pass another semi. This is something my wife and I have been encountering for the past several years traveling from Texas to Tennessee. I haven't recorded it, but we do count how many times it happens and te record is 16 in a 10 hour span. This is a consistent number BTW.

I wonder if you have been a victim of or have seen it happen to others in your travels.  We have considered writing our congressman about creating a law that states that truckers:
  1. Can never leave the right lane, ever 
  2. Allow three trailers thus reducing the number of rigs on the road 
  3. Must maintain a two truck space at all times 
  4. May not drive a tractor over ten years old.  

This law would reduce fuel consumption, reduce accidents, is a must if Texas is going to have an 85 mph speed limit and makes truckers understand they are essentially road trains and not passenger cars!

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